The Bestiary of the Golden Hypogriph Wiki Standards are a series of guides on what is strongly preferable. Articles and media can be edited to meet these standards.
Introduction[edit source]
Standards may appear to the untrained eye as a series of unnecessary complications caused by OCD, however having standards helps with administrative tasks and the creation and maintenance of articles and structure from the wiki.
Many things like file names (and even their formats) are case-dependent to function. This extends to templates and their fields, for example, as well as all included images. The same applies to other somewhat more obvious issues such as punctuation and even accentuation.
Having a set of standards also helps make these formats predictable and easy to remember.
Common spelling standards[edit source]
- First letter of the first title word capitalized.
- The authors included in the names use their normal capital letters.
- Species adjectives are always lowercase unless they are part of a noun (eg organization). For example, it is written "dussian ships" and not "Dussian ships".
- Exotic characters and accents are allowed in titles. Eg Æ, Ö, ß, Ð ð, Þ þ, š. (and should be used if applicable).
- It is recommended that the names and titles of any thing, species, object or concept be legible but it is up to the author to choose the degree of exoticism.
- The use of ' in file and page names should be avoided under all circumstances. This can be added in the body of the text.
File names[edit source]
The file names, and the images in particular, must follow the following format:
- Name_example_by_Author_1.png
That is: 1) in Spanish, 2) first word is capitalized (which is automatically placed anyway), and then 3) underscores to separate each word and number group. These underscores are equivalent and interchangeable with spaces in wiki titles.
The file type is lowercase, however it is added automatically by the wiki service (mediawiki, Miraheze, etc).
The preferred format for images is PNG (which would be "png").
The media that are uploaded to "intercriaturas" wiki such as images, videos or audios are put with the file title in Spanish and a redirection is made from the English name, pointing to Spanish. The difference between File: and Archivo: prefix is irrelevant since the program knows how to read it anyway.
Page names[edit source]
- The page titles have to go without article (The, His, Her, Its) unless the article is part of the name of a work, be it a book, a painting, a sonata, a poem, etc. for example: The Twelve Hunts. The rest must go without an article: For example: Paradox theory and not
Thetheory of Paradoxes.
- The page titles that refer species would be in plural (and without article). For example: "Elves" or "Fractal Creatures".
- There will be page names where both terms are capitalized as they are part of a compound proper name. For example, it is Dead Gods from Beyond the Stars and not
Dead Gods from beyond the stars. Articles and prepositions are not capitalized in the title unless they are the first word.
- Concepts, creatures, species or others that can be repeated in different imaginaria need to be delimited following the formula: Name (omniverse) or Name (Place). For example: City of the Immortals (Milegu), or True Gods (Illoria).
Names with prefixes and other namespaces[edit source]
When it comes to a special page (ns -1), Wikimedia: (ns-8), Template: (ns-10), Help: (ns-12), Category: (ns-14), or page in another space of any names, the first word after the ":" (colon) is capitalized, the following words are not. Following the rules for page names in the section Help:Standards#Page names.
Examples of use:
Category names[edit source]
The titles of the categories can be very varied Special:Categories, so when they deal with places, times or specific species it is advisable to put that species, ethnic group, time or place in the name of the category if you want to specify. "Category: Vehicles" will put a vehicle in the same group as the rest of the vehicles in the universe, while "Category:Dussian Vehicles" puts it in a subset. In this case, said vehicle could have both categories.
- For celestial bodies and space, the proper name must be accompanied by a common name that defines the world, planet or plane. For example: Category:Planet Hlon. Article Planet Hlon should be in Category:Planets and in Category:Planet Hlon.
- In the same way as page names, bounded following the formula: Name (omniverse) or Name (Place). For example: Category:Elves (Qhot-naun-phaqiasiari) or Category:Humanoids (Hlon).
Order of appearance of the elements of an article[edit source]
- The title does not appear inside the edit box of an article, but it is still the first element.
- The templates of the "notice" type that go above, go on top, above the image squares.
- Below images with box or not and infoboxes.
- Next comes the body of the text.
- See also
- Notes (fiction)
- Sources (fiction)
- References (Real)
- Bibliography (Real)
- External links
- End of article notice template
- Categories (handwritten)
First mention in text: bold[edit source]
- Articles that mention for the first time what gives the page its name must place this with bold. The rule also applies to alternatives for that name in other languages (including fictitious languages).
Redirects[edit source]
If the article is about a species, the title must be plural and without article.
However, it is advisable that there be a redirect page with the singular name of that species that redirects to the article of that species (plural). This allows for example to use [[elf]] instead of [[elves|elf]] to generate a link.
Disambiguations[edit source]
A disambiguation is a page that is created to present that in a search there are several options, each with its article. These pages usually have this structure.
- A title that follows the form "Name (disambiguation)".
- A text saying what is disambiguous (example: By "Beast" you can understand :)
- Put the list of terms to disambiguate, whenever possible, with [[links]].
- Put __DISAMBIG__ at the end of the article to mark it as disambiguation in the Special:Disambiguation pages registry.
Disambiguation texts that are advised:
- By [name] you can refer to:
- [name] can refer to:
- When referring to "[name]" there are several options:
- There are different species named [name]:
Beginnings that are discouraged | Explanation |
There are N species that can be interpreted as [name]. | By entering a number manually, the text can become old as more alternatives are included. |
In [place] the name of [name] may refer to | The object or concept you are looking for can be in more places and exceed the scope that is stated in the text. |
Templates[edit source]
Main article: Help:Templates
The name "Plantilla" is equivalent to "Template" in wiki code; there are other equivalences with English in special categories.
Standard: the first word after the ":" (colon) is capitalized, the following words are not.
- Currently, not all pages in the Template (ns-10) namespace are case-sensitive. However, the new templates should, and the old ones (like Template:Notice_BorradorSinBestiario) would gradually be replaced by the new standard.
- The colors of the templates are currently not themed to indicate different uses and functions of the templates, except for the golden outline of the news that leads to pages of the Golden Hypogripho Bestiary Blog.
Notice from Canon and Fanon[edit source]
The wiki has two notices (or "warnings") to indicate articles based on fictional franchises, authors, or universes outside the Golden Hypogriph and its original Omniverses.
These are divided into those that present canonical and non-canonical information to the original sources.
The standard is to place them at the beginning of the article, after the blog post templates, unless an article uses multiple sources from different fictions or the fanon content is tangential. In that case, those various sources will come at the end after the 'References' section.
Notes vs References - Sources vs Bibliography[edit source]
There are two different types of footnotes: Those that are written by someone within the fictional Omniverse, and those that are written to explain something to Real Life readers. As these can be very qualitatively different and to make a separation of "fact and fiction" that exempts the wiki from promulgating known falsehoods as if they were true under the apparent authority of a "footnote" , these two types of citations are separated into Notes and References.
The Notes (fiction) are as fictitious as the rest of the article, while the references (real) provide useful (or useless depending on the case) information on the relationship of the fictional article with real issues or - at least - published in a non-fictional way.
In the same way, the Sources (fiction) and the Bibliography (real) differ. The sources are fictional "in-universe" sources, that is, they are works that are cited within fiction as existing in the fictional world. Rather, bibliography are citations to works that exist in real life.
Sections are not mandatory in all articles, but are used at the author's discretion (although if footnotes are used, there must be at least one Notes or References section as appropriate). The standard order structure is as follows:
== Notes == <!==⚜️==fiction==⚜️==> == Sources == <!==⚜️==fiction==⚜️==> == References == <!==⚜️==Real==⚜️==> == Bibliography == <!---Real==⚜️==>
Deleting of course the sections that are not in use in that particular article, but always maintaining their relative order when they appear. The copyright "notice" template would go under the References and Bibliography.
License[edit source]
The miraheze license by default matches our license, so you don't have to specify anything. Not so in the case of content from Borost, Firmament or A'Ama. In those cases, the license is marked within.
Intercriaturas[edit source]
The media that are uploaded to intercreatures such as images, videos or audios are put with the file title in Spanish and a redirection is made from the English name, pointing to Spanish. The difference between File: and Archivo: prefix is irrelevant since the program knows how to read it anyway.
Bestiateca (Beast Library)[edit source]
To see the standards for the Beast Library namespace, look at Help:Bestiateca.
Using external media[edit source]
For fictions of the Bestiary, the use of images and other own or free-use media applies. This is the general rule of thumb unless some franchise or existing author is illustrated. In the latter case, copyrighted images would also be allowed under the principle of 'fair use' (as other wikis do when illustrating characters, fictional places, etc. from commercial franchises). Outside of Fair use, copyrighted images are not recommended.