Personal Divinities (Remyth)

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Personal Demons, Figments and Passengers[edit | edit source]

Sometimes in life a thought can settle and grow into a fixation, an addiction fester and consume or an obsession or inspiration run wild. From this is the seed of personal demons. Also called passengers or figments. Not all become wholly realized, simply nestling like a cradle of spirit around the souls of their progenitor/host.

But sometimes they can be "called out", shaken loose or just simply shed. Other times they curl inward and twist through stealing the will and control of their host to serve their focus. In the first case they will settle into the world and gather up suitable forms to make a body befitting their focus and become known as demons.

When the progenitor dies some demons simply fade away, others go on a rampage of self destruction. A few find new souls to fixate on.

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